To capture the crime scene I have used the Spheron HDR camera. Which captures the scene using a fully spherical (360° x 180°) image.
Image from SpheroCam HDR product brochure.
The crime I have decided to set up for this project is a burglary scene. This is because there is no need for a body to be present in the scene, and it is fairly easy to set up.
First of all, the burglary scene was created in the Staffordshire University Crime Scene House. Pieces of evidence were placed around the master bedroom on the first floor. The items which were used as evidence are: fingermarks, tool marks, paint, screwdriver, suspect powder, cigarette lighter, newspaper, a glass, hairs and fibres.
The fingermarks were dusted with aluminium powder, then all the pieces of evidence were given exhibit numbers and subsequently sketched and photographed to be used as part of the virtual crime scene. Then the Spheron HDR camera was used to capture the scene.
Five spherical images were taken in total. Two were taken of the master bedroom at different heights so that measurements can be taken when using the SceneWorks software. The spherical images can be seen below.
The first spherical image was taken of the outside of the Crime Scene House:
The second image was taken of the downstairs corridor:
The third image was taken of the upstairs landing:

The fourth image was taken of the master bedroom (low):

The fifth image was taken of the master bedroom (high):

These images are now ready to be put into the SceneWorks software, to create the virtual crime scene. However, before the spherical images can be used to create the virtual crime scene, a floor plan of the Crime Scene House needs to be completed for the images to be placed into. Evidence descriptions need to be made, which describes and asks questions which need to be answered by the user. This can be attached to the evidence within the virtual crime scene. Then, using the SceneWorks software, hotspots are added to link the floor plan, spherical images, still images and evidence descriptions together.
I have just recieved the SceneWorks software, so I am at the stage of putting all the different elements into the software and linking them together.